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3rd National Symposium on English Language Assessment

Formative VS Summative Assessment Formative assessment = assessment for learning primary goal: to support learning (informing reconfiguration of pedagogy and study habits) secondary goal: to access competence used to making low stakes decisions Summative assessment primary goal: document competence secondary goal: to support learning usually used for medium to high stakes decisions (adapted from Bennet, 2011) Micro assessment:  spot checks (CCQs, ICQs) start up prompts that review homework talking to parents pop quizzes / mini test talking with students during small group works probe responses thumbs up / down. sideways Technological tools: LMS Apss Microteaching: TPACK framework Screen o matic Kahoot

iTELL 2018: First Day (Part 1)

Hi guys This time, I gonna share with you one of the conferences that I participated in. This two-day, I participate in iTELL 2018 which is held in Solo, Central Java. This event is about language teachers and practitioners gather to share their research using technology in teaching languages. This conference is held March 13-14, 2018 and there are some sub-topics offered, such as blended learning and technologies, collaborative and or interactive learning with technology, creating and or managing online teaching-learning environment, cyberbullying, cyber-culture, identity and language, development in mobile teaching and learning. There are about 42 parallel presenters at this conferences from the various institution from Indonesia, such as from Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, ITB, UNS, UAD, UII and many more. All those 42 parallel presenters are the expert in their research and I have opportunities to attend some of those presentations.