
Menampilkan postingan dari Agustus, 2022

Modul 8: Student Metacognition and self regulation

4 kapasitas anak menurut kurikulum di Skotlandia, yakni (1) pemelajar yang sukses, (2) individu yang percaya diri, (3) masyarakat yang bertanggung jawab, (4) kontribusi yang efektif.  Sedangkan di Singapura, tujuan dari sekolah adalah untuk mendidik generasi muda untuk menjadi percaya diri, lebih terarah, mampu untuk berkontribusi dalam kerja kelompok, berani mengambil resiko dan warga negara yang peduli.  self regulated adalah kemammpuan diri sendiri untuk mengatur tingkah laku, emosi dan pemikiran untuk mencapai tujuan jangka panjang. Menurut Zimmerman (2002), self regulation dapat dibagi menjadi tiga fase, yakni (1) forethought yakni proses reflektif yang didahului oleh tindakan, (2) volitional control dimana self monitoring mengambil alih ketika menjalankan tugas, (3) self reflection.  Guru dapat memperkuat self regulated learning process dengan beberapa cara, yakni (1) mengklarifikasi apa yang dimaksud dengan penampilan yang bagus, (2) memfasilitasi self assessment, (3) menyampaik

Modul 7: Warm-up discussion (FSME 2022)

summative assessment: mengevaluasi pembelajaran murid di akhir kelas atau unit formative assessment: cara untuk memonitor pembelajaran siswa selama kelas berlangsung learner feedback: informasi bahwa murid dapat menggunakan untuk meningkatkan ketrampilan mereka how were i assessed when i were a student? by written test in the end of each unit, mid term, final test, and practice on the books and yes, it affected my motivation because to get good grade, i need to work on the exercise.  today, it is more fun and detail. not only seeing the end result but also the process. i love preparing the assessment and it makes me in high heart beat because i will see the result after certain learning period also to see the progress of each student. on the other hand, it also makes me afraid because when students do not have good grade, there will be many questions to my mind.  Reading  Formative Assessment oleh Char Heitman assesment sering dikaitkan dengan tes, kuis, tugas dan yang lain dimana akan

Modul 6: Games and Gamification (1)

  Affective: related to emotions, feelings, and moods. Affective factors can have a positive or negative effect on learning.  Game: a form of play that takes place within set rules, usually competitive.  Gamification: the use of game elements in non-game contexts. Afektif adalah sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan emosi, perasaan, dan suasana hati. Faktor afektif dapat memiliki efek negatif dan positif dalam pembelajaran. Permainan adalah sebuah bentuk permainan yang terjadi karena ada seperangkat peraturan dan biasanya kompetitif.  Gamifikasi adalah menggunakan bagian dari permainan dalam kontek bukan permainan. The game i like to play is competition because it makes me forget the pressure to learn, low self confident and improve my motivation to win the game. What i feel when i play the game is happy, challenge, and good mood. no, my teachers never used such game when i was a junior and senior school student. it was focused on repetition and writing.  Pilihan dan Motivasi Artikel :Activate

Modul 5: Project Based Learning (2)

 Pilihan Bacaan dan Motivasi ada tiga pilihan artikel yang harus dibaca, yakni (1)Maximizing the benefits of project work in foreign language classroom oleh Alan & Stoller (2012), (2) Exploring and expressing culture through project based learning oleh Yazdanpanah (2019), dan (3) project based learning examples. Ada tiga video sebagai project-based learning examples, yakni students produced video, English magazine dan developing tourist brochure. 1. siswa membuat video  artikel ini ditulis oleh Nathaniel Carney dan Patrick Foss. skill yg digunakan adalah case writing, directing, acting in, editing a movie. mendorong siswa untuk terlibat dalam pemecahan masalah dan berpikir kritis (HOTS). penggunaan video mendorong siswa untuk mengembangkan fluency, pronounciation, speaking (Carkiin, 2004), non verbal communication (Dickson, 1989), cultural awareness (Gareis, 2000), group cooperation (Elgar, 2022), student motivation (Dodson, 2000).  hambatan video project: biaya dan waktu. contoh v

Modul 5: Project Based Learning (1)

when i was senior high school students, i got many project based learning because i studied at vocational schools. one of the projects that i did was promoting and describing a product to a customer. at that time, i promoted and described a unique pen. so i described its shape, color, function, price, where we can buy it and differences with other pens. in the beginning, i was quite nervous and frankly, i was not confident and my heart beat was fast. But after i finished it, i felt relax.  i usually choose task which relates to my students, such as relate to their majors, or with their environment and of course, it is about in their age. by choosing the topics about them, they will feel safe and comfortable, also motivate. For example, when we learn how to describe someone, they choose BTS, a famous Korean boyband, whereas they know them as their idol. They already know them in their mother tongue and in English class, it is their project to promote or describe BTS to their friends in