Ice Breaking
1. Tepuk Tepuk 1: plok plok plok plok plok Tepuk 2: plok plok plok plok plok HEI Tepuk 3: plok plok plok plok plok HAA 2. Kombinasi 1, 2, 3 1: WOI 2: ASIIK 3: EAAA 3. Greeting Good morning: 1 clap Good afternoon: 2 claps good evening: half clap 4. Marina Menari di Menara Di Menara Marina Menari Menari Menari Menari Marina Menari di Menara 5. Candy game Take some of the favorite colors and ask the students to pick their fav colors. Then, they have to answer the questions, such as blue: what's your favorite book red: what's your favorite kind of food yellow: TV shows you are addicted to? green: best vacation spot you have ever been to? 6. Two truths and one lie Tell the students that they have to say three things (two truths and one lie). The other students should guess it, which one is the truth and which one is the lie. 7. Paper airplane game Tell the students to describe their hobby in a piece of paper and then they make it into a paper airplane....