Modul 7: Warm-up discussion (FSME 2022)

summative assessment: mengevaluasi pembelajaran murid di akhir kelas atau unit

formative assessment: cara untuk memonitor pembelajaran siswa selama kelas berlangsung

learner feedback: informasi bahwa murid dapat menggunakan untuk meningkatkan ketrampilan mereka

how were i assessed when i were a student?

by written test in the end of each unit, mid term, final test, and practice on the books

and yes, it affected my motivation because to get good grade, i need to work on the exercise. 

today, it is more fun and detail. not only seeing the end result but also the process. i love preparing the assessment and it makes me in high heart beat because i will see the result after certain learning period also to see the progress of each student. on the other hand, it also makes me afraid because when students do not have good grade, there will be many questions to my mind. 


Formative Assessment oleh Char Heitman

assesment sering dikaitkan dengan tes, kuis, tugas dan yang lain dimana akan memunculkan nilai dalam bentuk angka. Namun, penilaian bisa dibagi menjadi dua, yakni penilaian sumatif dan penilaian formatif. 

penilaian summatif: menguji seberapa paham siswa menguasai materi dibandingkan dengan tujuan pembelajaran

penilaian formatif: penilaian yang dilakukan sebelum tugas akhir. tujuan dari penilaian ini adalah untuk memberikan peluang kepada murid untuk membuat perubahan atau memperbaiki pekerjaan mereka. 

penilaian formatif bisa dalam bentuk masukan dari guru, teman dan siswa itu sendiri. Berikut adalah wujud dari penialai formatif: masukan tentang mekanis tulisan, masukan secara verbal, gerak tubuh (guru), kelebihan, kelemahan, dan saran (guru), dan rfleksi (diri sendiri).

Formative Assessment

name of activity: self-assessment

time allocation: 15 minutes

purpose: find out the strengths and weaknesses of the students

media: sticky note

activities: students need to ask themselves. the teacher may help them by giving questions and students answer it by choosing the provided answers. students write the summary of their answer on a sticky note  and post it poster provided by the teacher. This activity could be weekly reflection   

entry and exit slips

it is given to the students in the beginning and in the end of the session. this is quite simple for the students because they do not need to write that much. teacher needs to provide a question that students have to answer, such as what are the most important things that you learn. This is like what I find in each module in this course. we need to write reflections for what we have learned and what we learned from our friends. the 

concept maps

by the end of the session, teacher asks the students to make concept map for what they have learned. the type of concept map depends on the students, they may use their creativity to make it. teacher helps the students by providing guidelines or clues what the students should write on it. 

These are my assessment tools for this week. I hope they are of use to you. 
The first one is Plickers. I told you about it last week. I've learned it in my teaching training. Plickers is a free app and also fast. It requires just one screen. The teacher uses one device to scan plickers cards for student responses. The cards can be printed out. The teacher just needs to prepare questions beforehand and then scan the cards.

The second one is Quizlet. It is the most common, I think. It's easy to memorize the words with the help of flashcards. You can create your classes, then track students' activities. You can see each student's response and find out if they know as much as you think. They can create their own lists or download prepared  ones.

The last one is Muddiest Point Assessment from a website. It’s helpful to see if students understand why something is incorrect or why a concept is difficult for them. You just ask them to identify the place where things got confusing or particularly difficult or where they still lack clarity. They write down what was least clear to them. First, they need to rate their own understanding across several topics and, second, to consider, why one particular topic should be selected as least understood. I've not used it yet, but it can be enjoyable and powerful to review our teaching strategy. 

The additional one is Misconception Check from a website. It looks like muddiest point. First, you write a false fact about the subject being taught, then the students decide if they agree or disagree with the fact. They can show a card or thumbs up/thumbs down to state their decision. Thus, you can adjust your teaching, and students can learn how to evaluate their agreement/disagreement with the false fact and make adjustments for their learning. (Seda Yetim)


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