Modul 6: Games and Gamification (1)

 Affective: related to emotions, feelings, and moods. Affective factors can have a positive or negative effect on learning. 

Game: a form of play that takes place within set rules, usually competitive. 

Gamification: the use of game elements in non-game contexts.

Afektif adalah sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan emosi, perasaan, dan suasana hati. Faktor afektif dapat memiliki efek negatif dan positif dalam pembelajaran.

Permainan adalah sebuah bentuk permainan yang terjadi karena ada seperangkat peraturan dan biasanya kompetitif. 

Gamifikasi adalah menggunakan bagian dari permainan dalam kontek bukan permainan.

The game i like to play is competition because it makes me forget the pressure to learn, low self confident and improve my motivation to win the game. What i feel when i play the game is happy, challenge, and good mood.

no, my teachers never used such game when i was a junior and senior school student. it was focused on repetition and writing. 

Pilihan dan Motivasi

Artikel :Activate: Games for Learning American English Teachers Manual" dari US Department of State. 2013

artikel ini tentang peran guru dan siswa serta macam permainan, seperti board games (ada 11 papan permainan), picture this cards (24 gambar) tentang gambar dan 6 pertanyaan yang berkaitan di sebaliknya, guess what cards (24 permainan) tentang sebuah topik yang diikuti oleh 6 kata yang berkaitan, dan word bricks (140 macam) tentang kata benda, kata kerja, kata sifat, kata keterangan, preposisi, dan artikel.

I read the first article which is about games for learning. At first, I noticed that number of pages were more compared with the other two, but i made sure myself that i would give it a try. Then, i read it and thankful that this FSME course bring this article. I choose this article with the expectation that i would read bunch of games which used by teachers in the US and yes, this article gives me more than I expected.

the most important thing i learned from the text is one type of games could be variated more than two and maybe more. it depends on the teachers' creativity. before the game starts, there is always instruction that tell the teachers about the goals of the game (such as teaching expression and help students use to express factual knowledge), instructions which help the teachers to run game, examples for the students (in the form of cue card). 

I would adopt this games and share it with my tutors so they could have more variation in teaching English for their junior. in addition, their junior will feel more fun and enjoy in learning English and forget the feeling of pressure in learning English. 

in this time, some of educational institutions create online class or hybrid. these games could be collaborated by using technology. 

Shared activities and ideas for games and gamification

activity 1 minefield

the name of this activity if mine field. i learned it when i had attended an offline workshop by an institution. the purpose of this activity is to improve the listening and speaking skills of the students. to do this activity, teacher needs about 30 to 45 minutes, it includes for the preparation. teacher divides the students into two groups, group A and group B. teacher puts many things on the floor as mine and students are not allowed to step on those things. the things could be bottle, book, eraser, spoon, plastic glass, etc. group A stands on the left side and group B is on the right side. there is space between them, about 2 meters. Group A closes their eyes, and group B gives direction to their partners in group A. member in group A should listen carefully to what their partners in group B said to reach their side (group B side).

activity 2 take and speak

i learned this activity when i had offline workshop. the material that i need to to this game is uno stacko tower. teacher divides the students into four groups. each group will get one uno stacko tower. each student gets their turn to take one block from the tower and after that, they should answer the given questions (it could be changed with other topics), such as i like eating fried rice for answering what is your hobby. the groups compete to make their tower stable and the last team which make their tower stable until the end is the winner. it needs about 30 minutes but it could be adjusted with the number of students and number of questions. 

activity 3 word on the head

i learned this activity from variety show on the local tv station. teacher divides the students into some groups. each group should send one of their members to stand in front of their group. teacher will distribute a vocabulary (it could be name of animal or other) and will give it to the representative of each group. the representative should put the vocab which printed on the card above their head. the representative should ask the member in their group about the vocab by using question sentences, such as is it water animal, is it omnivore, etc. the member only could answer it by saying yes and no. group which has the most correct answer is the winner. it needs about 30 minutes to do this. the materials that we need is paper, pencil. 

 Game 1: Name Your Favorite

Name Your Favorite gives students practice using vocabulary and expressions that they may need to talk about themselves in English. Teachers may want to remind students of the use of the clause “because…” in addition to superlative adjectives such as “the best” and “the happiest.”

To name some of the topics: season, fruit, weather, place to spend a day, book, city you have visited, person in the world, sport or hobby,etc. The sentence could be “My favourite season is summer, because I like swimming and I can eat ice creams.”or “The person I love most is my mom, because ...”

Materials needed: Dice, game piece, game boards

Time suggested: 15-20 minutes

  1. Have students (the players) sit in groups of 3–4.
  2. Determine who goes first and progress clockwise or counter-clockwise.
  3. Each player rolls the dice in turn.
  4. On their turns, the players move their game pieces along the path according to the number of spaces indicated by the dice.
  5. When players land on a space, they should read the category on the square.
  6. The players should say their favorite item in that category and explain why it is their favorite.
  7. The game continues until one or all players reach the ‘Finish’ space.


Game 2Picture This Snack Time

The basic Picture This game uses the Picture This cards as the starting point for conversations among students based on a question-and-answer format. The teacher should set a specified amount of time for the game.

Materials needed: Snack pictures and words; A list of questions related to snacks

Time suggested: 15-20 minutes

Players look at the six pictures and match the word with the corresponding picture.

Player 1: This question is for Player 2. Which of the snacks on the card is the healthiest? Which is the least healthy?

Player 2: I think the fruits are the healthiest. So, the grapes, the banana, and the apple. The least healthy is the chocolate, or maybe the donuts. I’m not sure!

Player 2: This question is for Player 3. Which snacks are salty? Which are sweet? Which are crunchy? Which are soft?

Player 3: I think crackers are the only salty snack, and the rest are sweet. Crackers and apples are crunchy. Bananas and donuts are soft, and grapes are soft on the inside. I think chocolate is hard but not crunchy.

Player 2: Yes, I think so too.

Player 3 asks the next questions, and play continues until all questions have been asked and answered. All the players can contribute to the discussion. (by Liyong Jiang)


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