Modul 5: Project Based Learning (1)

when i was senior high school students, i got many project based learning because i studied at vocational schools. one of the projects that i did was promoting and describing a product to a customer. at that time, i promoted and described a unique pen. so i described its shape, color, function, price, where we can buy it and differences with other pens. in the beginning, i was quite nervous and frankly, i was not confident and my heart beat was fast. But after i finished it, i felt relax. 

i usually choose task which relates to my students, such as relate to their majors, or with their environment and of course, it is about in their age. by choosing the topics about them, they will feel safe and comfortable, also motivate. For example, when we learn how to describe someone, they choose BTS, a famous Korean boyband, whereas they know them as their idol. They already know them in their mother tongue and in English class, it is their project to promote or describe BTS to their friends in English.

article by Char Heitman Project Based Learning
project based learning atau (PBL) atau pembelajaran berbasis tugas adalah sebuah metode pengajaran dimana murid secara aktif terlibat dalam proyek yang berarti di dunia nyata (real world). 

Hal yang harus diperhitungkan dalam PBL yakni produk, luaran, durasi, susunan kelompok, jumlah pertemuan, jumlah pertemuan dalam seminggu, dll. 

Ada beberapa hal yang harus dipertimbangkan guru ketika merecanakan dan mendesain pprojek:
1. dengan jelas mendeskripsikan projek dan menyebutkan luaran khusus (specific outcome)
2. membuat projek asli (authentic) dan bermakna (meaningful) dalam konteks
3. mendeskripsikan projek secara runtut, jelas, dan waktu
4. mengijinkan murid untuk memberi masukan dan pilihan
5. meluruskan projek dengan standar, luaran mata pelajaran (course outcome), dan tujual (goal)
6. secara ekplisit mencangkup dan berkaitan dengan kealian abad 21
kerja kelompok yang efektif, mampu berkomunikasi dengan jelas, bekerja secara adil (equitably), mampu sesuai deadline (agreed upon deadline)
7. tergabung contoh contoh terbaik dalam penilaian untuk pembelajaran

Peran guru dalam PBL adalah 
1. fasilitator
2. konsultan
3. bertanggung jawab untuk melacak dan membantu dalam pengalaman belajar

Peran guru dalam kelas tradisional:
1. ahli
2. sumber pengetahuan
3. tanggung jawab untuk mengorganisasi pengalaman belajar

Penilaian dalam PBL dapat dilakukan dengan
1. rubrik
2. checklist
3. peer evaluation
4. conferences

Penilaian dalam kelas tradisional:
1. kuis
2. fill in the blank
3. esai
4. in class worksheet

Penilaian berdasarkan pertunjukan (performance based assessment):
1. authentic
2. complex
3. process/product oriented
4. open ended
5. time bound

Dinilai oleh:
1. boss
2. co-workers
3. self
4. supervisor 

Potential audiences for projects:
1. classmate
2. parents
3. other classes
4. whole school
5. school website (video)
6. administrator
7. community


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