Developing a TPCK-SRL assesment scheme for conceptually advancing technology in education: A Summary

The article entitles developing a TPCK-SRL assessment scheme for conceptually advancing technology in education is written by Zehavit Kohen and Bracha Kramarski. Both of them in the time of writing has an affiliation with School of Education at Bar Ilan University in Ramat-Gan, Israel.  This 8 pages article is published under category studies in educational evaluation in Elsevier journal in 2012 and in this good occasion, I will give summary from this article. 
This study is aimed to develop a conceptual TPCK-SRL (Technology, Pedagogy, Content, Knowledge, and Self-Regulated Learning) scheme for assessing teachers’ integration of SRL considerations while infusing technology into a TPCK classroom context which reflects all three knowledge components’ dynamic interaction with SRL. The second aim of this study is to test this scheme’s validity and reliability as a practical tool for measuring effects of teacher education. This study was observed nine preservice teachers’ lesson designs, collected before and after a course on TPCK teaching and learning method.
TPCK-SRL framework derives from TPCK and SRL theories and aims to inform and guide teachers in assessing the dynamic interaction of TPCK components and SRL considerations while designing, conducting and evaluating lessons for their students (Angeli & Valanies, 2009; Kramasrski & Michalsky, 2010; Misrha & Koehler, 2006; Pintrich, 2000; Zimmerman, 2000).
TPCK or TPACK has been used by some researchers, such as Graham, 2011; Schmidt et al., 2009; Thomson, 2008; is extended from Schulman’s, 1986 term. Kramarski & Michalsky, 2009, 2010 mentioned that SCL, whereas the students are responsible for their own learning, is the most recommended learning type to construct students’ knowledge.
There are some research objectives in this study and those are to find out how teachers might construct TPCK, is TPCK a distinct or unique body of knowledge referencing all TPCK components simultaneously or it can be the integration of isolated bodies of knowledge and interplaying connections. Some of the T scopes are standard technologies (basic web tools (hyperlink, email, and search engine), textual tools (word processor), pictorial tools (presentation), auditory tools (music) and dynamic technological tools (simulations, animations).
They also use a new TPCK-SRL approach that emerged from the transformative approach and shares its view to forming something new. The researchers also suggest two-step mapping strategy for adapting each knowledge base simultaneously to the other knowledge base and the first is mapping the affordance of each component (T, P, and C) and its subcomponents (T). The second step is matching the selected subcomponents to the affordance of other subcomponents’.
The participants of the research were 9 Israeli preservice high school teachers from different subject matter discipline with the specification 2 males and 7 females with 24.5 and 3.24 for mean age and SD respectively. The result of the research suggests the need to integrate between technology and theoretical framework. It is also suggested for further research to find out the additional elements of work professionality and competencies of teachers for TPCK-SRL, such as by linking variables.
Last but not least, I would thank both writer, Prof. Zehavit Kohen and Prof. Bracha Kramarski for sharing their research. 


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