A Summary: Summary Implementation of TPACK in Teacher Preparation Programs

Hi everyone,
Hope that each of you is having good Sunday and wonderful Easter.
This time, I am going to write a summary of a paper written by Barbara Martin from Illinois State University, USA. That paper is published in International Journal on Integrating Technology in Education (IJITE) Vol. 4, No. 1 March 2015.
This paper is divided into some sections and those are an introduction, a definition of TPACK, student confidence, leadership and modeling of technology integration, assessment or evaluation of technology integration, integrated technology in teacher preparation, conclusion and references. In that paper, the writer writes about the understanding of teacher in using TPACk as a pedagogical tool during the preparation program.
Firstly, this paper discusses the technology which is used by the students, what recently called as digital natives (Presnky, 2001). Although we are the digital native, pre-service teachers mostly use technology mainly focussed on social communication and learning activities (Lei, 2009). They find that innovative educational technologies are needed for the pre-service teacher during their preparation program. This is in line with what has been said by Valdez, McNabb, Foertsch et al., 2004 that the innovations of technology are increasing as the result of the effort to do reformation in teaching and learning approaches, and it has a significant result. International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) mentioned about the importance of teacher as a facilitator and foster to do improvement in the educational sector. National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS.T) through ISTE created instructional supports in technology education and those covers facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity (1), design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments (2), model digital age work and learning (3), promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility (4) and engage in professional growth and leadership (5).
Based on Schulman (1986) TPACK suggested the combination of pedagogy, content, and knowledge as the key to effectiveness in teaching practice. Then, Keohler and Mishra (2009) added  Shulman's category by expanding to additional dimensions, such as PK, CK, TPK, TK, and TCK. That is why TPACK is very important for researchers to examine the strategies for successful technology integration. This aim of this paper s to give a review of 35 recent professional journals articles on TPACK and some of them are in the emerged topics in student confidence, leadership and modeling of technology integration, assessment or evaluation of technology integration, and integrated technology in teacher preparation. 
There are some theories mentioned related to student confidence in this paper, such as from Gao, Choy, Wong and Wu, 2009; Hersh, 2013; Mayo, Kajs, and Taguma, 2015. Based on Mayo (2013), it is concluded that increased use of educational technologies resulted in increased self-efficacy of technological integration. all the finding from this theme suggest that first step to buildingTPACK in teacher preparation is through building confidence through exposure.
next is about leadership and modeling of technology integration. It is mentioned that some literature cited that education instructor as a vital component in technology learning as they play an important part in technology role model for pre-service teachers (Koch, Heo, and Kush, 2012; Kopcha, 2010; Thomas, Herring, Redmond and Smaldino, 2013). The recent publication describes that importance of modeling technology integration bot only by education instructors but also by university leadership and administrators as these individuals articulate the expectations by which the students model their own effort.
In the recent publication, Kyie-Blankson et al (2009) mentioned that monitoring and examining students' experience and evaluation is necessary to provide feedback to educators and administrators regarding the effectiveness of technology integration in teaching and learning. It is also mentioned about the effectiveness and meaningful of assessment of educational technology professional development (ETPD) requires educators design in-service learning activities that can be measured using methods consistent with teaching and learning.
The last theme reviewed in this journal is about integrated technology in teacher preparation. Kleiner, Thomas, Lewis, and Greene (2007) mentioned that 100% of all teacher preparation programs in the US provide instruction on technology integration. Gronseth et al (2010) also conducted a similar research and found that eighty percent of faculty members responsible for technology experiences indicated some of their programs need educational technology course.
Overall, the result of this paper review are many teacher preparation programs are relying on out-of-date technology models and are in need of a redesign. There are need some improvements from instructors, administration modeling, evaluation, embedded curriculum and exposure itself. Development of technology based pedagogy is an active, on-going process situated in multiple contexts. Therefore, teachers need to adopt various strategies to guide, model and support pre-service teachers' development of technology-based pedagogy until it becomes an integral part of their professional growth.


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