Academic Writing Workshop: Webinar kemenristek/BRIN x AIFIS (Session 1)
Couple days ago I joined virtual webinar about academic writing workshop held by BRIN and AIFIS and here what I got.
Frankly, the workshop is interesting and really helpful but unfortunately, I did not fully participate. I had to stop in the middle of the webinar due to the environment situation.
What do readers want:
- answers to questions
- followed by questions why and how
- researchers starts with questions about facts: who, what, when and where
- international refereed journal: double blind
- evaluate: content (argument, data, conclusion), contribution to the field
- test for weaknesses and challenge arguments
- answer a single research question
- generally deductive (general to specific)
- science: IMRD (introduction, methodology, result, discussion)
- avoid commenting on work by others writers
- hesitate to express their own conclusions
- use personal or subjective explanation
- rely on passive voice to avoid direct statement
- focus on practical applications and include policy suggestion
- refer to authority rather than evidence to support argument
- fact: PAP won 2020 general election in Singapore.
- covers: who, what, when, where
- fails to answer : why did PAP win? how did they win?
- argument: the ruling party won because ... politician of the party is very popular
- linear
- deductive rather than inductive
- build around an argument drawn from research
- present data to support and defend argument
- limit literature review to material needed for the argument
- built around argument
- starts with facts: wo, what, when, where
- followed by analysis: why and how
- strong paper answer analytical questions
- answer to a question is a claim, or an argument
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