Wawancara untuk bekerja di penerbangan
Berikut adalah beberapa pertanyaan yang kemungkinan ditanyakan sewaktu wawancara ketika melamar pekerjaan sebagai staf kabin
Ceritakan tentang diri Anda
- could you tell me about yourself?
- tell about yourself, education, and career.
- what do you know about our company
- contoh jawaban: In my humble opinion, Lion Air is one of famous famous aviation company in Indonesia which has thousands employees. It is not only operate in Indonesia but also in other countries, such as Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.
- cari info dari website resmi perusahaan yang kalian tuju
- why do you want to be cabin crew in our company
Apa harapan Anda jika Anda sudah menjadi staf kabin?
- what is your hope if you become cabin crew?
Menurut Anda, apa kelebihan dan kekurangan menjadi staf kabin?
- in your opinion, what are the strengths and weaknesses as cabin crew?
mengapa kami harus menerima Anda sebagai staf kabin di perusahaan kami?
- why do we have to accept you as cabin crew in our company
- yakinkan kepada HRD kalau kalian kandidat yang tepat dan menguntungkan untuk perusahaan mereka
Apa kelebihan Anda?
- what are your strengths?
- contoh jawaban: I'm good at handling passenger's complaints, I'm skilled in using ticketing software, I know how to operate computer.
Apa kekurangan Anda?
- what are your weaknesses?
- contoh jawaban: English is my weakness. When I work as a domestic ticketing agency, I think that I don't need English and I feel safe because I do not need to use English, not because I dont want but I could not. I discuss this with my friend and he suggested me to use some apps to learn English. It helps me alot and now after practicing everyday, I'm not afraid anymore to speak English.
Kenapa Anda tertarik menjadi staf kabin?
- why do you want to be cabin crew
- contoh jawaban: I want to be a cabin crew because I want to have prestigious career and have opportinities to visit many places.
Menurut Anda, apa tanggung jawab staf kabin?
- In your opinion, what are the responsibilities of cabin crew.
- contoh jawaban: There are some responsibilities of cabin crew and some of them that I know are greeting the passengers, giving assistance to the passengers , etc.
- what is your motivation to be a cabin crew
- contoh jawaban: my motivations to a cabin crew are have prestigious job, visit many places, meet people from different cultural background
Sebagai staf kabin, Anda harus sering tersenyum. kenapa?
- as a cabin crew, it is a must to smile. why?
Jika ada penumpang yang kurang puas dan marah kepada Anda, apa yang akan Anda lakukan?
- If there is a passenger which is not satisfy with your services, what would you do?
Bagaimana Anda menghadapi keluhan pelanggan dan menyelesaikannya?
- How do you cope with client's complaints and how do you solve it?
Menurut Anda, apa keistimewaan seorang staf kabin menurut Anda?
- In your opinion, what is the privilege of cabin crew?
- contoh jawaban: cabin crew has good reputation job.
Jika Anda tidak lolos, apa yang akan Anda lakukan?
- if you fail, what will you do?
Jika Anda terpilih, kontribusi apa yang akan Anda berikan sebagai staf kabin di perusahaan kami?
- if you are selected, what contributions will you give as a cabin crew in our company?
- contoh jawaban: give maximal customer service excellence so the clients would be back to use the service.
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