Modul 4: Collaborative Learning Fostering Student Motivation and Engagement

Required reading: collaborative learning by Char Heitman
Collaborative learning adalah sebuah pendekatan yang digunakan dalam pendidikan yang mana sekelompok murid bekerja bersama sama mendiskusikan sebuah topik, menyelesaikan sebuah masalah, menyelesaikan sebuah tugas atau menciptakan sesuatu. 
Berpikir kritis adalah berpikir secara seksama untuk menyelesaikan sebuah masalah, atau menganalisa fakta untuk membuat sebuah kesimpulan.

Manfaat collaborative learning
- menanamkan pembelajaran dan HOTS
siswa cenderung mengingat sesuatu yang mereka dapatkan dari rekan mereka atau dari kerja kelompok. Dalam pemebelajaran kolaboratif, siswa praktek secara langsung, misalnya mendengarkan dan mengeksplor materi pembelajaran
-real world skills development: mengerjakan tugas, menyelesaikan masalah, menciptakan dan menyelesaikan projek serta berkomunikasi dengan rekan dalam tim tentang tugas dan projek mereka. 
- inclusive and social skills: dengan kerja kelompok siswa akan belajar tentang beberapa sudut pandang siswa lain dari berbagai latar belakang, keahlian, pengetahuan serta kemampuan. Siswa harus bekerja dalam tim dengan orang yang memiliki ide dan pendekatan yang berbeda. 
- improved connections, self esteem and confidence
- real-life language practice

Guidelines for incorporating pembelajaran kolaboratif yang efektif
- tujuan: dijelaskan tujuan dari kerja kelompok
- tujuan khusus: adanya produk khusus dari kelompok, misalnya menjawab pertanyaan, mengisi grafik, dll
- peraturan mendasar: menjelaskan peran yang dibutuhkan dalam sebuah tim
- peran yang ditugaskan: menjelaskan tugas dari masing masing peran, misalnya note taker, leader, dll.
- manajemen waktu: menyiapkan waktu yang cukup untuk siswa mengerjakan tugas

Zone of Proximal Development adalah celah antara potential development zone dan actual development zone. 

Reading: Toward the better group work: seeing the difference between cooperation and collaboration by Olga Kozar
Pada awalya peneliti bingung tentang istilah cooperation dan collaborative, dan berpikir apakah ada perbedaannya dan apakah cukup besar? dan kenapa itu cukup penting bagi guru?.
Tujuan dari artikel yang dia tulis adalah untuk menekankan pada perbedaan antara cooperative work dengan collaborative work secara umum. 
Cooperative learning dapat diartikan sebagai bekerja bersama sama untuk mencapai tujuan bersama (Smith, 1995).
Collaborative learning adalah sebuah metode yang menekankan pada bekerja dalam dua tim atau lebih untuk mencapai tujuan umum dimana menghargai kontribusi masing-masing anggota (McInnerney and Robert, 2004).

cooperation > lebih fokus pada kerja kelompok untuk menciptakan sebuah produk, siswa mengerjakan tugasnya secara terpisah
collaboration > membutuhkan siswa untuk berbagi pikiran, ide dalam proses menciptakan pengetahuan, membutuhkan interaksi langsung (negosiasi, diskusi)

Share activities and ideas for collaborative learning

  • Active forum: the main purpose of this activity is to encourage the students to think critically and express their opinions. The materials for this task can be a computer and a PPT presentation or just the whiteboard. First, the students need to gather in groups (ideally groups of 3 or more students). Second, they will be presented a set of options with numbers. They will have to choose one number, and then read the situation aloud. The idea is that these situations are problems that need to be solved. They need to talk with their peers in order to solve the problem and present a solution. Finally, the groups share their solution aloud, and the class decide which of the solutions presented is the best for the problem. This activity may last 15 or more minutes depending on how many situations you give to them. The role of the teacher for this activity is to control the time and monitor that the students work with their groups.
  • Be the teacher: the purpose of this activity is to foster other ways of expressing regarding the contents learned in the class through a poster. The material for this task are paper, glue, scissors, pencils, colored paper, and markers. First, the students will work in groups of 2 or 3 students. Second, they will be presented a set of topics that were covered in classes. They will have to choose of these topics. Third, they will have to create a poster that summarizes the content using their own ideas. They can write new explanations, provide more examples, use images or memes, etc. Finally, once they're ready, they will present their poster to the class. This activity may last 30 or more minutes. 
  • Try to guess: the purpose of this activity is to reinforce and practice vocabulary and grammar. The materials for this activity can be flashcards or a PPT presentation with images. First, the students gather in a circle. Second, one of them will come to the front and sit facing their peers. Third, the student sit in the front needs to guess what the object/animal/thing is displayed in the flashcard or image while their classmates give clues. These clues can be based on the color, shape, texture, etc. Finally, once the student guesses correctly, this person will be asked to provide an example using the vocabulary. If it is correct, their classmates will approve the example. This activity may last 25 minutes. 
  • Activity one:

    Stump your partner: I learned about this activity from a website, the specific purpose of this activity is collaborative learning. The teacher gives students a minute to create a challenging question based on the lesson, then students write the question and give it to the student sitting next to them. The amount of time needed for the activity is at the end of the class to review their understanding and the teacher can use the questions to create tests or exams.

     Activity two:

    Case study: It's a good activity to communicate with each other inside the classroom, the teacher creates five case studies of similar difficulty and lets students work in groups of four or five to work and analyze their case study. The time is 10-15 minutes to work with each other. The teacher needs papers to create the case studies, walks around and answers any questions and students share their analysis.

     Activity three:

    Numbered Heads Together:  The teacher divides the students into groups and gives a number in their group. The teacher asks a question and the students discuss it with their group members. When time ends, the teacher says a number and all students with that number stand up and take turns sharing what they discussed in their groups. The purpose of this activity to allow students to discuss in small groups before go into a class discussion. The time is 10-15 minutes at the beginning of the class. 


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