EAP: Simple Present (Nursing)


  1. Nurses check the patient’s vital signs every hour during shifts.
  2. The healthcare team collaborates to provide the best patient care.
  3. The nursing students participate in clinical practice every Wednesday afternoon.
  4. The nurse does not administer medication without checking the patient's chart.
  5. They do not allow visitors during critical care hours for safety.
  6. The students do not skip their lectures on important nursing topics.
  7. Do the nurses communicate any changes in patient conditions promptly?
  8. Does the instructor provide feedback on our clinical performance regularly?
  9. What time do the nursing students start their clinical rotations each day?
  10. Why do you always prepare thoroughly before attending your clinical sessions?

Jumbled Sentences 

  1. (The) (the / every / nurse / hour / patient / checks / of / vital signs)
  2. (She) (not / medication / administer / she / without / does / checking / the chart)
  3. (The) (the / on / attend / students / Mondays / clinical practice)
  4. (Does) (provide / does / guidance / the instructor / feedback / and / ? / regularly)
  5. (They) (wash / hands / before / their / visiting / they / patients)
  6. (The) (schedules / patients / the / for / the / doctor / appointments / every week)
  7. (The) (students / not / always / the / understand / do / concepts / nursing)
  8. (Does) (the / monitor / doctor / health / regularly /does / of / the / patient / the)
  9. (Nurses) (participate / workshops / in / often / professional development / nurses)
  10. (The) (team / always / discusses / patient care / in / the / meetings)

Fill in the blank

  1. Nurses __________ (check) the patient’s vital signs every hour.
  2. The doctor __________ (not, allow) visitors during the night shift.
  3. How often __________ (the students, attend) lectures on patient care?
  4. She __________ (document) all observations in the patient’s chart.
  5. They __________ (not, recommend) skipping any vaccinations for children.
  6. What time __________ (the shift, start) in the morning for nurses?
  7. The healthcare team __________ (work) together to ensure patient safety.
  8. He __________ (not, follow) the prescribed treatment plan regularly.
  9. Do you __________ (understand) the instructions for administering medications?
  10. The nursing instructor __________ (provide) guidance on best practices for care.


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