Medical Report: Progress Note 1

Patient Name: Emily Carter

Date: September 9, 2024
Provider: Dr. Michael Lewis
Visit Type: Follow-up

Chief Complaint:

  • Follow-up for management of asthma and recent exacerbation.


  • Patient reports improvement in asthma symptoms since starting new inhaler. However, occasional wheezing at night persists.


  • Vital Signs:
    • Blood Pressure: 118/76 mmHg
    • Heart Rate: 80 bpm
    • Respiratory Rate: 16 bpm
    • Temperature: 98.2°F (36.8°C)
  • Respiratory Exam:
    • Breath sounds clear bilaterally, occasional wheezing noted in the right lower lung field.
  • Medication Adherence:
    • Adheres to new inhaler regimen but reports occasional missed doses.


  • Asthma symptoms partially controlled with current medication. Persistent nocturnal wheezing may indicate suboptimal control.


  • Continue current inhaler therapy.
  • Increase the frequency of the use of the inhaled corticosteroid.
  • Educate patient on proper inhaler technique and the importance of regular use.
  • Schedule follow-up appointment in 4 weeks to assess control and review asthma action plan.


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