
Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2017

Sekilas Tentang Timor Leste

Halo apa kabar? Semoga kabar baik ya... Kali ini, saya mau cerita tentang Timor Leste. Kenapa saya cerita tentang Timor Leste? karena pada akhir tahun 2016, saya mendapatkan kesempatan untuk menjadi salah satu dari sekian puluh pengajar yang akan dikirim ke luar negeri oleh PPSDK untuk mengajarkan bahasa Indonesia kepada penutur asing. Dan tadaaa saya akan mengajar di Timor Leste. Karena minimnya informasi yang saya dapat tentang negara tujuan dari nara hubung, saya mencoba bertanya kepada mbah Google tentang negara tersebut dan saya menemukan beberapa informasi yang cukup penting, menurut saya. Persiapan sebelum pergi 1. Pastikan sudah mengecek kelengkapan administrasi (paspor) 2. Memang kalau mau pergi ke Timor-Leste tidak mengharuskan untuk melakukan vaksin tertentu. Namun, alangkah baiknya jika Anda bertemu dengan dokter Anda dan konsultasi dengan vaksin yang kemungkinan Anda butuhkan. 3. Pastikan Anda membawa obat-obatan pribadi karena fasilitas kesehatan di...

Airterjun Madakaripura: Sebuah Ulasan

Halo..... Apa kabar? Kemarin saya berkesempatan untuk mengunjungi salah satu air terjun yang ada di Probolinggo. Akses ke air terjun ini belum begitu nyaman namun sudah ada upaya dari penduduk setempat untuk membuat senyaman mungkin.  Nama Nama air terjun ini adalah Madakaripura. Kata Mada berasal dari nama seorang patih di Majapahit, yakni Gajah Mada. Maka dari itu bisa kita lihat patung Gajah Mada di pintu masuk air terjun. Pura merupakan tempat sembahyang umat hindu di Indonesia. Kalian juga akan menemukan pura di dekat patung Gajah Mada. Pura tersebut terletak bersebelahan dengan mushola. Sedangkan kara Kari, saya belum menemukan artinya. Ada yang taukah?. Informasi dari Mas Adji, seorang teman yang membawa kami ke air terjun ini mengatakan bahwa di air terjun ini dulunya ada gua yang digunakan Gajah Mada untuk semedi atau menyediri. Namun sayang, waktu saya ke sana saya tidak menemukan gua tersebut.  Lokasi Pintu masuk ke air terjun Air terjun ini t...

Cafe Lava Hostel: A Review

Hi there,,, How are you doing? Hope you are doing great!!! This time, I am going to share with you about my experience staying at Café Lava Hostel. I stayed in this place for two days one night in July 2017. This hostel locates in Cemorolawang, Sukapura, Ngadisari, Probolinggo, East Java. This place is quite close to the Mount Bromo. You can find the ad of this place in some online ads, including, It was cost Rp 450.000,- for one standard room for two adults and one child under ten years old. Our friend informed us that this hostel has free room from the driver and this has become one of our reasons to choose this hostel. In fact, we did not get any free room for our driver because the receptionist said that it was full. Room There are a number of rooms in this hostel although it looks small from outside. At that time, I stayed in standard 10. The size of the room is quite big and there are some facilities, such as hot water, towel, welcome d...

Two Days Trip in Bromo

Hi there… How have you been? In this time, I’m going to share with you about my experience in Bromo, one of the active volcanoes in Indonesia. History The name of Bromo derives from Sanskrit means Brahma, one of three main Gods in Hindu. This mount locates in five regencies East Java, Indonesia and those are Probolinggo, Pasuruan, Lumajang and Malang. Bromo has attracted both domestic and international tourists because its beauty and its tradition. It is said that this mount has erupted periodically every thirty years and the last eruption was in 2015. Tengger ethnic lives in this mount and every year, they celebrate Yadnya Kasada ceremony in the Bromo temple.  This ceremony is to give an offering to the God as the way to thank for everything that they get for a year and the offering could be vegetables and live stocks. Travel When you go to google, you will find many accommodation around Bromo and the price is vary but you can adjust it based on your budget. My...

Menemukan kosan di US

Haloo… Banyak hal yang perlu dipersiapkan sebelum memulai studi di negeri seberang, mulai dari visa, cek kesehatan dan urusan housing. Housing sangat penting untuk dipersiapkan sebelum sampai di negara tujuan. Kenapa? Karena kalau kita sudah sampai di tempat tujuan, kita sudah tidak terkotang-katung tentang tempat tinggal. Kali ini, saya ingin berbagi pengalaman saya menemukan kos-kosan yang saya tempati selama sembilan bulan di Boston. Pada tahun 2015, saya mendapatkan beasiswa Fulbright untuk mengajar dan belajar di Universitas Harvard. Universitas Harvard merupakan salah satu universitas terbaik di dunia dan banyak tokoh terkenal yang merupakan alumni dari kampus ini, seperti misalnya Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerburg, Bill Gates, dan Joshua Oppenheimer. Saya dijadwalkan tiba di US pada bulan Agustus dan saya usahakan sebelum bulan Agustus, saya sudah menemukan tempat tinggal. Dari salinan kontrak yang diberikan, saya mendapatkan beberapa informasi penting termasuk tentang cara...

Learning Online: Learning and Collaborating by University of Leeds (Week 2)

Learn about benefits of learning with others online, power of online discussions, scope to share ideas and information with learners from around the world wicked problem> problem that has no obvious answer Communication helps learners to organize their thoughts into a clearly expressible format. Ways: 1. reading other people's comments and reflecting privately on their posts 2. reading and commenting on other people's posts 3. posting your own comments and inviting feedback Tips for online discussion: 1. avoid capital letters and remain polite 2. check previous posts to see that if your question has been asked before and make yourself contribute in the discussion 3. make single points 4. give accurate sources 5. communicate clearly and unambiguously More sources > Studying A MOOC: A Guide by Neil Morris and James Lambe. Link Wikipe...

My First Ied Adha in the US

As everybody knows that Moslem has two biggest holidays, namely Ied Fitri which is celebrated after the holy month Ramadhan and then Ied Adha to commemorate Prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his son at that time. In 2015, I got a scholarship to study and teach in the US for one academic year started from August 2015 to May 2016. I was lucky that I had a chance to feel how Moslem in America celebrates Ied Adha. Because I stayed in Boston, so in this time, I will share my experience celebrating Ied Adha in Boston. There are some mosques in Boston but my friend and I decided to go to the biggest mosque in Boston which locates in Roxbury. My friend and I decided to go there by public transport, in this case, was subway, because it might be difficult to find a parking lot and crowded as well. We woke up early and then I went to my friend’s house who just 10 meters away from my house. I lived near the Alewife station, so from our house which is on Mass Ave (short form for Massachusetts Avenue)...