
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2017

Learning Online: Learning and Collaborating by University of Leeds (Week 1)

Hi guys, How are you doing? Hope you are doing great! So this time, I gonna share with you the summary that I make during my participation in one of the online classes by the University of Leeds in Future Learn. Learning on the go or learning online? Some apps which are used by students at Leeds University to learn online: 1. > learn about graphic design program (video and animation) 2. Nitrazepam > synthesis for a drug 3. Youtube 4. Whats App group 5. Mendeley >  manage references when writing reports or dissertations. Learning Effectively What people said about learning effectively is not about effective of time but when learners feel comfortable, relaxed and able to concentrate. Learners need to know the best environment that works for them.That is one of the factors in learning effectively and some more are comfortably seated, able to listen without distraction, relaxed and focus, and conducive environment. Every people have their best place an...

Teaching for Success: The Classroom and the World (Week 4)

Using Multilingual Approaches The languages we speak Multilingualism involves the knowledge of more than one language and does not suggest that you have to be proficient in all of them. The concept of plurilingualism has gained traction in the last 15 years and is defined by CEFR as the ability to use languages for the purposes of communication and to take part in intercultural interaction. Multilingualism = plurilingualism. 1. how do you describe your classroom? 2. how much knowledge do you have of your learners' languages? 3. how important do you think it is to have knowledge of or about your learners' other languages? 4. what do you think about knowing more about the structure of the languages your learners speak sociogram: graphic to describe your social relationship impact of other languages Learning L1 or other languages can affect someone in learning other languages. It can be helpful but in some ways it might be confusing as well because the similarities ...

Teaching for success: The Classroom and the World (Week 2)

Technology change the way we teach Dice maker: Edutopia outlined a for-stage process of technology adoption: 1. dabbling 2. doing old things in old ways 3. doing old things in new ways 4. doing new things in new ways Checklist for evaluating tools before using them: 1. audience and relevance 2. educational focus 3. ease of use 4. accuracy and authority Creating word cloud by wordle:  http:// Learner autonomy definition (Borg and Al Busaidi, Learner autonomy: English Language Teachers' beliefs and Practices 2012): 1. learn independently 2. learn cooperatively 3. monitor and evaluate their own learning 4. identify their own strengths, weaknesses and needs Teacher/learner collaboration tools: 1. Edmodo 2. Blackboard 3. Google classroom 4. Canvas 5. Moodle 6. D2L Brightspace 7. Sakai11 8. LatitudeLearning 9...

Teaching for Success: The Classroom and The World (Week 3)

Educational Policy and Teachers Educational policy is communicated in different ways depending on the national and local context. Policy and teachers First educational policy in Bangladesh was made in 2010, emphasizes on the use of CLT. Child protection policy British council child protection policy ( 1. misconduct by staff or partners 2. poor practice 3. poor design or delivery of our programmes and operations The importance of internet safety: 1. social media and privacy 2. cyber bullying 3. revenge porn, financial and ID theft How to control it: 1. parents control 2. password managers Childnet: UK organisation that produces about different aspects of internet safety to 7 to 11 year olds. Commonsense: web for adults to help children and teenagers use media and technology wisely Downloadable classroom worksheets:

Teaching for Success: The Classroom and The World (Week 1)

Hi there, So, this time I'm gonna share with you the summary that I gain by taking this course by British Council what the so called as Teaching for Success: The Classroom and the World. There are one lead educator in this course and three educators and those are Claire Ross, Sirin Soyoz, Josh Underwood, and Doina Fleanta respectively. For your information, this course is the part of the teaching for success: Professional Practices for English Language Teaching Program, a series of three four-week courses which can be taken in any order in 1. Challenges for 21st-century education An educationalist, Sir Ken Robinson has outlined some challenges facing education in the 21st century. Reasons why people reforming public education in the US: 1) educational reasons: how do we educate our children to participate in the 21st-century economy when we can't predict what it will be like? 2) cultural reasons: how do we educate our children so the have a cultura...

Tips Belajar IELTS

Hallo there, How have you been? I hope that you are doing great. All right, this time I gonna share with you the things that I did before I take IELTS test. Nowadays, many people sit for IELTS test because they want to study overseas through some scholarships either from Indonesian government or international. IELTS costs quite expensive for me and it is about $200 or equal to Rp 2.800.000,- but it can be higher or lower, depends on the exchange rate on that day. So, here are the tips: 1. Familiar yourself with the test type by practising. Make routine activities doing the sample of the test 2. Always concentrate with what the speakers say in the listening section. When it has a number in the test, try to imitate what the speakers mentioned. 3. For me, there are similar sound and sometimes it is quite difficult for me to differentiate those sounds if I am not concentrating. Those sounds are "b", "p", "8" and "h". The solution for t...

What Most Americans Do in Their Daily Life

Hi there, Here I am and ready to share with you about the things you may find when you are in the United States. Mungkin setiap orang pernah mendengar nama Amerika Serikat meski mereka sendiri belum pernah menginjakkan kaki di negeri seberang. Ada beberapa orang mengatakan kepada saya, orang Amerika pasti mencemoohmu, egois dan keras. Eits, tunggu dulu. Tidak semua yang dikatakan orang itu benar dan mari kita menjadi pribadi yang selektif dan kritis dalam menanggapi hal - hal yang kita temui. Di sini saya akan berbagi beberapa hal menarik tentang Amerika. 1. Orang Amerika akan menyapamu dengan mengatakan "good morning, how're you?, how's it going" meski mereka tidak mengenal Anda. Hal itu normal bagi mereka untuk menyapa orang yang mereka jumpai di jalan, di dalam bus atau di manapun meski mereka tidak saling kenal 2.  Budaya antri sangat tinggi. Mereka akan antri kapanpun, seperti di kantin kampus, mau naik bus, di perpustakaan, kasir, dan bahkan ke kamar man...

Wacana Kemendikbud: PSB 2017 Berdasarkan Sistem Rayon

Pertengahan tahun 2017 merupakan waktu yang cukup ramai di Indonesia karena adanya momen kelulusan dan pendaftaran siswa di tingkat pendidikan dasar dan menengah. Selain itu, tahun ini ada beberapa rencana baru dari Kemendikbud dan salah satunya adalah penerimaan siswa baru berdasarkan sistem zonasi atau yang dulu dikenal dengan sistem rayon. Seperti yang disampaikan oleh Kemendikbud melalui laman kalau penerimaan siswa baru pada tahun 2017 berdasarkan sistem zonasi atau sistem rayon. Secara literal berdasarkan KBBI, rayon berarti bagian daerah atau wilayah yang dibentuk berdasarkan perjanjian.  Penerapan sistem rayon dalam penerimaan siswa baru di Indonesia merupakan sebuah sistem yang mengutaman calon siswa yang berasal dari daerah tersebut dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut: 1. Calon peserta didik yang berasal dari wilayah tersebut memiliki peluang untuk diterima di sekolah tersebut s...

My First Experiment: In-Yard Organic Gardening

Hello there, I am writing this as reflection for what I have been doing in these past couple months in my beloved village, Majasto village. So, I run in-yard gardening and grow some vegetables, such as eggplant, chilis, papaya, onion, water spinach, bitter gourd, Saya mengawali uji coba ini pada bulan Februari dengan tahapan sebagai berikut: 1. Saya menyiapkan bahan - bahan yang saya butuhkan yakni seperti tanah, polibag dan biji tanaman. Tanah yang saya gunakan berasal dari kotoran ternak yang ada di lingkungan kami yang sudah menjadi tanah. Gunakan tanah yang warnanya sudah menjadi hitam karena jika menggunakan tanah yang masih berwarna agak kekuningan, maka akan menyebabkan daun tanaman menjadi keriting. Polibag. Polibag yang saya gunakan adalah kantong plastik dari minyak kemasan dua literan yang saya dapatkan dari limbah rumah tangga. Kantong plastik tersebut saya isi dengan tanah kemudian saya lubangi dengan pisau. Benih tanaman. Saya memutuskan untuk membeli benih tanaman y...