
Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2024

English for hospital administration: medical record cryptograph


English for hospital administration: medical record word puzzle


EIC 2024 Batch 3: Writing


EIC 2024 Batch 2: Writing on padlet


Medical Report: Patient History and Physical Report (H&P)

  Patient Name: Robert Jenkins Date: September 9, 2024 Provider: Dr. Laura Mitchell Chief Complaint: New onset of abdominal pain. History of Present Illness: 48-year-old male presenting with severe abdominal pain for the past 3 days. Pain is diffuse, with occasional sharp episodes. No recent changes in bowel habits. Past Medical History: History of gastritis No prior surgeries Medications: Omeprazole 20 mg daily Family History: Father: Deceased (age 70) - History of colon cancer Mother: Age 72 - Hypertension Social History: Occupation: Construction worker No smoking Drinks alcohol occasionally Review of Systems: Gastrointestinal: Severe abdominal pain, nausea Cardiovascular: No chest pain or palpitations Respiratory: No shortness of breath or cough Physical Examination: Vital Signs: Blood Pressure: 130/85 mmHg Heart Rate: 76 bpm Respiratory Rate: 18 bpm Temperature: 98.6°F (37°C) Abdominal Exam: Tenderness in the lower abdomen, no rebound tenderness, normal bowel sounds Assessmen

Medical Report: Discharge Summary

  Patient Name: Daniel Brown Date of Admission: September 1, 2024 Date of Discharge: September 8, 2024 Provider: Dr. Susan Clark Admission Diagnosis: Community-acquired pneumonia Hospital Course: Patient was admitted with symptoms of fever, cough, and difficulty breathing. Received intravenous antibiotics and supportive care. Symptoms improved significantly with treatment. Discharge Diagnosis: Community-acquired pneumonia, resolved Discharge Medications: Amoxicillin 500 mg orally three times daily for 5 days Continue acetaminophen as needed for fever Instructions: Complete the full course of antibiotics. Follow up with primary care provider in 1 week. Monitor for any signs of worsening symptoms such as increased fever, persistent cough, or shortness of breath. Follow-Up: Primary care appointment scheduled for September 15, 2024. Provider’s Signature: Dr. Susan Clark

Medical Report: Progress Note 1

Patient Name: Emily Carter Date: September 9, 2024 Provider: Dr. Michael Lewis Visit Type: Follow-up Chief Complaint: Follow-up for management of asthma and recent exacerbation. Subjective: Patient reports improvement in asthma symptoms since starting new inhaler. However, occasional wheezing at night persists. Objective: Vital Signs: Blood Pressure: 118/76 mmHg Heart Rate: 80 bpm Respiratory Rate: 16 bpm Temperature: 98.2°F (36.8°C) Respiratory Exam: Breath sounds clear bilaterally, occasional wheezing noted in the right lower lung field. Medication Adherence: Adheres to new inhaler regimen but reports occasional missed doses. Assessment: Asthma symptoms partially controlled with current medication. Persistent nocturnal wheezing may indicate suboptimal control. Plan: Continue current inhaler therapy. Increase the frequency of the use of the inhaled corticosteroid. Educate patient on proper inhaler technique and the importance of regular use. Schedule follow-up appointment in 4 wee

Patient's Initial Assessment Report: Example 2

Patient Initial Assessment Report Patient Information: Name: Maria Gonzalez Age: 38 Gender: Female Date of Birth: October 22, 1985 Contact Number: (555) 987-6543 Address: 456 Oak Avenue, Lincoln, NE 68508 Referral Source: Referring Physician: Dr. Robert Lee Reason for Referral: Evaluation of recurring headaches and dizziness Presenting Complaint: Chief Complaint: Severe headaches and episodes of dizziness occurring over the past month Description of Headaches: Throbbing pain primarily on the right side of the head, associated with nausea and sensitivity to light Medical History: Past Medical History: Migraine headaches (diagnosed 5 years ago) Asthma (diagnosed in childhood, well-controlled) Surgical History: No significant surgical history Allergies: Penicillin (rash) Medications: Ibuprofen 400 mg as needed for headaches Albuterol inhaler as needed for asthma Family History: Father: Age 65 - Hypertension, history of stroke Mother: Age 63 - Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, osteoarthr

Patient's Initial Assessment Report: Example 1

Patient Initial Assessment Report Patient Information: Name: John Doe Age: 45 Gender: Male Date of Birth: June 12, 1979 Contact Number: (555) 123-4567 Address: 123 Elm Street, Springfield, IL 62701 Referral Source: Referring Physician: Dr. Jane Smith Reason for Referral: Evaluation of persistent chest pain Presenting Complaint: Chief Complaint: Persistent chest pain for the past two weeks Description of Pain: Dull, aching pain in the left side of the chest; occasional sharp pain radiating to the left arm Medical History: Past Medical History: Hypertension (diagnosed 5 years ago) Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (diagnosed 3 years ago) Hyperlipidemia Surgical History: Appendectomy (2005) Allergies: No known drug allergies Medications: Lisinopril 20 mg daily Metformin 500 mg twice daily Atorvastatin 10 mg daily Family History: Father: Deceased (age 65) - Myocardial infarction Mother: Age 70 - Hypertension, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Social History: Occupation: Office Manager Smoking: 1

Medical Report Form: English for Hospital Administration (example)


English 1: Introduction

Listen to this audio, try to write down information that you hear then compare your answers with your friends' answers. ** Listen to this audio, try to write down information that you hear then compare your answers with your friends' answers. ** Listen to this audio, try to write down information that you hear then compare your answers with your friends' answers. ** In today’s English 1 lesson, we will focus on mastering the art of self-introduction. Understanding how to introduce yourself effectively is crucial for making a positive impression and establishing connections in both personal and professional settings. A well-crafted introduction not only provides essential information but also sets the tone for future interactio

Bahasa Indonesia Pertemuan 1: Studi Kasus

Konsep, Fungsi dan Sifat Bahasa Simak audio di bawah ini "" Latihan studi kasus 1. Analisis dua struktur bahasa yang berbeda, misalnya bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Jawa. Bandingkan bagaimana kedua bahasa membentuk kalimat. Langkah: - pilih satu kalimat di masing-masing bahasa - identifikasi dan jelaskan struktur kalimat dan bunyi - bandingkan keduanya - diskusikan bagaimana struktur kalimat mempengaruhi makna dan fungsi komunikasi dalam masing-masing bahasa 2. Menganalisis bahasa dalam kampanye untuk mengetahui bahasa yang digunakan untuk mempengaruhi dan meyakinkan audiens. Langkah: - pilih iklan yang persuasif - identifikasi teknik bahasa yang digunakan untuk menarik perhatian, membangkitkan emosi, dan mempengaruhi perilaku audien - analisis pilihan kata, gaya penulisan, dan struktur pesan - diskusikan seberapa efektif teknik tersebut dalam mencapai tujuan iklan 3. Menganalisis perubaha

Text 1: Medical Terminologies

Listen to this audio "" Listen again the audio and read the text below. In a hospital setting, managing admissions and discharge processes efficiently is essential for smooth operations. The Electronic Health Record (EHR) system helps streamline billing and maintain accurate patient information. Effective inventory management ensures that medical supplies and equipment, such as those needed for amniocentesis or ultrasound during prenatal care, are always available. For optimal patient care, quality assurance measures are in place, including adherence to compliance regulations and regular audits. Medical coding translates procedures like cerebral imaging or prostate exams into standardized codes for insurance claims. Accurate patient flow management reduces wait times and enhances service delivery. In the context of the nervous system, conditions such as epilepsy or Parkinson’s disease require

Medical terminologies: puzzles answer


Medical terminologies: puzzles
