
Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2018

Homework: Journal 1

Hi everyone, This time I participate in a MOOC class platform in edX hosted by BerkeleyX and it is about academic and business writing. In the first week, there is an assignment to write about what I am doing in my daily life, especially in English. I usually write for fun activities and also for education. I write what I did before, such as conferences, courses that I just participated in, or something which is being well-discussed in. Some of the writing that I have written before is about my experiences being an IFL teacher in America and in East Timor. It covers the local cultures that I faced there, environment, how to survive in those mentioned countries, where to find halal food and where to shop.  In my opinion, writing is a good activity where we can't express what is in our mind and we can express it in writing. It can be sadness, happiness, joyful or sorrow. I love writing because I can make a note what I face today and can share it with other people, hopef...

A Summary from a paper entitled validating the technological pedagogical content knowledge appropriate for instructing students (TPACK-S) of pre-service teachers

Hi everyone, As we know that to enhance the students in the learning process, we as a teacher can use technology to help the students in learning. This time I will make a summary of a paper written by Varongsri Saengbanchong, Ph.D., Prof. Nongklak Wiratchai, and Assoc. Prof. Suchada Bowarnkitiwong. They published a paper entitled validating the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge appropriate for instructing Students (TPACK-S) of pre-service teachers. All of them at the time of writing has an affiliation with Faculty of education at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand. This paper was submitted in 5 th World conference on educational sciences-WCES 2013 on category social and behavioral sciences in Elsevier journal. They use some theories in their research and one of them is TPACK by Mishra and Kehler, 2006. It is said that there are seven cognitive tools from knowledge and can be elaborated to develop it so it can create an effective classroom in the 21 st ce...

Learning Online: Searching and Researching (by Leeds University)

Hi everyone, This time I am going to share with you my experience joining MOOC from Leeds University and it is about learning online: searching and researching. I found that this MOOC is interesting and useful. Interesting because this time is millennial where almost everybody looks for information through the searching engine. There are plenty of searching engines but Google is the most favorite one!. There are some searching tools mentioned in the course and it is really new for me. Those new searching tools are , , and .  I also learn from the course that I can find the information that I am looking for through searching engine easily by using 'operators', like AND, OR, and NOT. For example, Richard III AND Shakespeare, or Richard III OR war of the roses. After we find the information about Richard III, we can post our research results in padlet! and here is the lin...

Developing a TPCK-SRL assesment scheme for conceptually advancing technology in education: A Summary

The article entitles developing a TPCK-SRL assessment scheme for conceptually advancing technology in education is written by Zehavit Kohen and Bracha Kramarski. Both of them in the time of writing has an affiliation with School of Education at Bar Ilan University in Ramat-Gan, Israel.  This 8 pages article is published under category studies in educational evaluation in Elsevier journal in 2012 and in this good occasion, I will give summary from this article.  This study is aimed to develop a conceptual TPCK-SRL (Technology, Pedagogy, Content, Knowledge, and Self-Regulated Learning) scheme for assessing teachers’ integration of SRL considerations while infusing technology into a TPCK classroom context which reflects all three knowledge components’ dynamic interaction with SRL. The second aim of this study is to test this scheme’s validity and reliability as a practical tool for measuring effects of teacher education. This study was observed nine preservice teachers’ lesson...

Passive Voice

Hi everyone... Kali ini saya akan membahas tentang pasiv voice. Selama ini kita mengenal adanya kata kerja transitif dan kata kerja intransitif. kata kerja transitif biasanya digunakan tanpa adanya sebuah objek untuk alasan yang berbeda yang secara tata bahasa sebagai objek langsung, misalnya makanan tidak akan disimpan di cuaca panas (meal will not keep in hot water) yang artinya we cannot keep meat in hot water. Jadi, subjeknya tidak dinyatakan karena etidak terbatasannya (indefinitess). Hal ini mirip dengan tidak menyatakan objek di kalimat "blind men saw" (Sweet 1900).  Sweet di bukunya yang berjudul "A New English Grammar Logical and Historical (1900) menyebutkan pasiv voice merupakan inversi dari hubungan antara subjek dan objek. Sedangka voice merupakan cara tata bahasa yang berbeda untuk mengekspreskan hubungan antara kata kerja transtif, subjeknya dan objek. Dua voice itu adalah aktif dan pasif. Dalam bahasa Inggris, pasif dibentuk dari menggabungkan bentuk...

Muslim in Britain by Cardiff University: A MOOC class (week 2)

William Henry Abdullah Quillian (1856-1932) adalah seorang berkebangsaan Inggris yang menjadi mualaf pada abad 19-20. Dia memeluk agama Islam pada akhir tahu 1880 di Moroko. Waktu itu dia berusia sekitar 30 tahun dan sedang melakukan perjalanan karena alasan kesehatannya. Dia mulai mengenalkan islam di kampung halamannya, yakni di Liverpool.  Dia mulai mengakui secara umum bahwa dirinya memeluk agama islam di media lokal dan pada tahun 1983, dia dapat menemukan Brougham terrace sebagai masjid dan gedung pertemuan. Usahanya untuk mengenalkan dan menyebarkan islam di Inggris menarik perhatian Kesultanan Ottoman dan Amir dari Afganistan. Selain itu, dia juga mendapatkan gelar Shaikh al Islam dan kemudian juga mendapatkan suntikan dana hibah yang digunakan untuk membangun dua sekolah muslim, panti asuhan, museum kebudayaan islam, perpustakaan dan memperbaiki serta menambah fasilitas pendidikan.  Usaha yang dilakukan oleh Quillian telah membuat sekitar 250 orang Inggris memelu...

iTELL 2018: Day 2

Hi guys... This time I am going to write my experience in joining second iTELL conference 2018 on the second day. There were presenters on the second day, similar to the first day but there were two plenary speakers on the second day and those are from UNS and British Council.  The first plenary speaker was Ms. Drajati and she is a lecturer at UNS. She presented about TPACK in the concept and practice in the classroom. Maybe some of you are new to this term, so am I. So, TPACK stands for Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge. Her presentation is quite interesting and since this is a millennial era whereas many youths are using technologies in their life.  As we know that the number of people who use mobile keeps increasing from time to time. It was about 0.08 percent of the population that connected to the internet in 2003, then it increased to 1.84 in 2010, 3.47 percent in 2015 and it is predicted that there will be about 6.58 percent people in the world conn...

Indonesian as A Foreign Language (IFL) Workshop with APBIPA Bali and Universitas Islam Indonesia

Hi there... This time I am going to share with you my experience joining Indonesian as a Foreign Language Teaching Specialist hosted by APBIPA Bali and Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). This workshop was held for three days and most of the activities were applicable. There were two trainers in this workshop and those were Mr. Nyoman Riasa and Mr. Herman Felani. Mr. Nyoman is an IFL and EFL teacher and he ever worked in IALF Bali.  He offers practical skills which can be used by IFL teaching specialists. The other trainer is Mr. Herman, he works as a program manager at UII and he ever taught IFL in Kalimantan and in Yogyakarta.  By joining the workshops, I learned many things both from Pak Nyoman and Mas Herman. Pak Nyoman taught me to design a simple material but can be used for many interesting activities for different skills. For example, some blocks of tables can be used to teach alphabets, spelling, listening, writing, and concentration.  The other example i...

iTELL 2018: Day 1 (Part 2)

As I mentioned in my earliest post about iTELL 2018 that I will have another note on the day 1 of iTELL 2018. At this time, I write about some speakers that I am quite interested in their presentation.  (1) The first is Gumawang Jati. He is an English lecturer at ITB. He introduces many apps that can be used in teaching and learning languages, some of them are free but some of them are premium service. There are some learning and teaching resources for teachers, such as hot potatoes, breaking news, teachingkidsnews, learningenglishteens and britishcouncil,.org. The last one is quite popular and I sometimes use that site as well. He also mentioned some webs that can be used by teachers to design assignment and assessment, such as kahoot, edpuzzle, and onlinequizcreator. Edpuzzle is a web that allows teachers to take any videos from Youtube then upload it into this system and the teachers can create questions based on that video.  There are some apps as well where th...

iTELL 2018: First Day (Part 1)

Hi guys This time, I gonna share with you one of the conferences that I participated in. This two-day, I participate in iTELL 2018 which is held in Solo, Central Java. This event is about language teachers and practitioners gather to share their research using technology in teaching languages. This conference is held March 13-14, 2018 and there are some sub-topics offered, such as blended learning and technologies, collaborative and or interactive learning with technology, creating and or managing online teaching-learning environment, cyberbullying, cyber-culture, identity and language, development in mobile teaching and learning. There are about 42 parallel presenters at this conferences from the various institution from Indonesia, such as from Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, ITB, UNS, UAD, UII and many more. All those 42 parallel presenters are the expert in their research and I have opportunities to attend some of those presentations....


Halo Semua... Apa kabar? tertarik dengan program BIPA? Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan bahasa melalui Pusat pengembangan Strategi dan Dimplomasi Kebahasaan (PPSDK) selama beberapa tahun ini sudah mengembangkan pengajaran bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa asing di dalam dan di luar negeri. Hal ini sangat bagus karena mendorong masyarakat asing untuk belajar bahasa dan budaya Indonesia.  Sepengetahuan saya, program ini sudah ada dari tahun 2015 yang kemudian mulai ada perekrutan pengajar pada tahun 2016 dengan masa tugas 2016. Awalnya, hanya ada beberapa pengajar yang ditugaskan di beberapa negara, seperti di Timor Leste dan di Thailand. Kemudian, jumlah pengajar yang ditugaskan pada tahun 2017 lebih banyak dari pada tahun sebelumnya. Pada tahun 2017, ada sekitar 70an pengajar BIPA yang akan ditugaskan pada tahun 2017. Penugasan pada tahun 2017 lebih bervariasi negaranya dari tahun sebelumnya, misalnya di Jerman, Rusia, Amerika Serikat, Australia, Turki, Finlandia, Mesir, Tunisia...

Learning Indonesian in Solo, Yogyakarta and Skype

Hi friends, Currently, many people compete to learn languages because they want to be able to communicate with others, especially in their language. This phenomenon also happens in Indonesia because there are many non-native speakers want to studying Indonesian. There are many agencies that offered Indonesian class for non-native speakers and those agencies are everywhere, in Jakarta, Solo, Yogyakarta and Bali. So, for those who want to study Indonesian for various purposes (research, work, travelling, study, and many more), you can email me. Having experiences in teaching IFL for American, Korean, Japan, Middle-East, Australian, Thai and Timorese. Both in a country and overseas. If you need further detail, please feel free to drop me a message at Thank you....

Experiences Living in the US

Hi friends, Some people think that it is important to stay in one place during in the rest of our life but some people think different. They assume that it is necessary to travel and see this beautiful world. I agree with the second one that sometime, it is needed to move and stay in a new place, so we can learn its cultures, its tradition and its history.  In the mid of 2015, I got an opportunity to stay in the US for one academic year. I was lucky to feel four different seasons in Boston, Massachusetts. In the first week living in the US, I felt lost. I did not know where to go, where to eat, how to go and what did they say, but overall, it's fun. I spent the first week to go to my office and it was just house - campus - house. The next week, I started to explore nearby places, such as libraries, museums, markets (I love it), book stores, and restaurants.  To go to those places, I mostly used public transports and those are bus and subway train. I still remembere...

Menjadi Guru BIPA di Amerika

Halo teman,,, Apakah kalian pernah bermimpi suatu saat nanti pergi ke luar neger? baik itu untuk sekolah, konferensi atau jalan-jalan?. Ya, sama! Saya dulu juga pernah bermimpi untuk pergi ke luar negeri suatu saat nanti dan mimpi saya itu menjadi nyata pada tahun 2015!. Senang sekali rasanya. Jadi ceritanya, saya mendapatkan beasiswa Fulbright sebagai Teaching Assistant untuk mengajarkan bahasa nasional kita, bahasa Indonesia di Amerika selama satu tahun akademik. Berikut prosesnya ya.  Semua informasi bisa didapat dari laman resmi AMINEF di Dari laman itu, kaian bisa dapat semua informasi, seperti dokumen apa saja yang diperlukan, deadline pendaftaran dan tentunya formulir pendaftaran. Biasanya deadline pendaftaran setiap pertengahan bulan April dan untuk lebih pastinya, selalu cek rutin laman AMINEF yaa.... Nah setelah dokumen dikumpulkan, selang beberapa bulan AMINEF akan menghubungi kalian tentang aplikasi kalian, apakah diterima atau ditolak. Apab...

Be an IFL (Indonesian as a Foreign Language) in East Timor

Hi friends, This time, I going to share with you my experience being a teacher in East Timor. I applied a similar program with FLTA but this one is under Indonesian Ministry of Culture and Education. It is administered by Language Development and Cultivation Agency. There were eleven IFL teachers were assigned by Indonesian Ministry of Culture and Education to teach IFL in East Timor. We were posted to teach at Indonesian Cultural Center, Institute of Business (IOB), Institute Politecnico de Betano (IPB), East Timor Coffee Institute (ETCI) and Eskola Nino Conis Santana (NCS). We taught IFL for one academic year, started from July 2017 to December 2017.  Those places are some in districts and some are in the city center. Those which are in city center are IOB and Indonesian Cultural Center, while the rest are in Ermera District which is 4 hours away from city center and in Betano District which is 8 hours away from city center. Luckily, all female were posted at ci...